Chief Engineer (Marine) Certificate Class 1 (UK)
Associate Member of the Institute of Marine Engineers, London
Registered as an Incorporated Engineer with the Engineering Council, London.
Graduated from the Marine Academy, Chittagong
Employment History
Seasia P & I Services – Bangladesh
General Manager
Alunited Maritime Business (Pvt) Ltd,Dhaka
Maritime Orient Ltd, Dhaka
Engineer Superintendent, Executive Director Surveyor for DNV Class.
Seagoing Experience
12 years sea – going employment as Marine Engineer Officer in container vessels, bulk carriers and multipurpose vessels, including 5 years as Chief Engineer.
Additional courses attend / Certificates held
→ Quality Management & Internal Auditing Certificate issued by ISC (UK)
→ Attended Loss Prevention and P&I Surveyor’s course conducted “The North of England P&I Assurance Association, England” and was awarded with a Certificate of Merit
→ Attended Ship Security Certificate course for “Company Security Officer” conducted by Germanischer Lloyd Classification Society,Hamburg.